Get involved
It's your voice that's stopped seabed mining before.
It'll take us all to stop it from being fast-tracked now
How you can help.
We need to work together to ensure seabed mining is not fast tracked! Kiwi's Against Seabed Mining needs your help to raise awareness, to help fundraise, to coordinate public outreach activities and explore legal avenues. Join the stand against seabed mining by taking some of the actions below. Together we can protect our ocean!
Sign the Taranaki Manawatū petition
Petition for residents of the Taranaki Region and the Manawatū-Whanganui Region to call upon elected officials in the Taranaki Regional Council, Horizons Regional Council, South Taranaki District Council, New Plymouth District Council and Whanganui District Council to oppose TTRs fast track bid for consent
Spread the word
Many people don't know about the threat of seabed mining or what's at stake. You can help spread the word by:
Follow and share KASM on social media
Talk to your friends and whānau
Create handmade signs
Print out these flyers and spread them around your town: print file
Financial support
Join the stand against seabed mining by becoming a member of the KASM team or making a donation to the cause. KASM relies on donations to fund the work we do. Our supporters are integral to empowering KASM to lobby, organise outreach events and increase awareness of seabed mining proposals.
Write to newspapers
Letters to the editor are a great way to share concerns about seabed mining proposals with a large audience. If you time it to come after an article based on seabed mining or the Fast Track you have a good chance of getting published. Simply google 'Letters to the editor" + the name of your local paper to find an email address. Keep it short <200 words and incl your full name.
Please fill out this form if you would like to volunteer and contribute your time to KASM through fundraising, campaigning and public outreach activities.