We’ve finished our submission to the Government on the Māui and Hector’s dolphin threat management plan.
Submissions close on Monday 19 August at 5 pm.
In our submission, we have focussed only on the seabed mining aspect of the consultation document, including the issues around prospecting and exploration. There’s several options for your involvement.
use our submission as a guide – and email your feedback to dolphintmp@doc.govt.nz
Or post your written submissions to: Consultation: Hector’s and Māui Dolphin Threat Management Plan Department of Conservation P O Box 10420 Wellington 6143
Or if you don’t have time, go to the Greenpeace website and fill out their form. http://greenpeace.nz/maui-hector-submissions
Our submission focuses only on the seabed mining aspect, and not on the wider issues. But the Whaingaroa Environment Centre has a great guide for submissions if you want to include the other threats to our tiny dolphins.